Tuesday, March 26, 2013


One of the things that make poker exciting is that regardless of how experienced or inexperienced you are at it, you’ll never quite know whether you’re winning or losing during the course of a poker game. I now realize that being a tight poker player is not fun unless you become a spontaneous poker player. If position is right, I would sneak-in with 8-9 or 7-8 and once I hit a straight or two pairs, I tried to get as much value from it. Then, I go back to my tight moves. It all depends on what position are you in and how many aggressive players are on your table. Connectors or suited connectors are great if lady luck is by your side, but also having a poker image at your table will scare anyone trying to challenge you.  Poker is a card game that requires skill, concentration, patience, and tactfulness. Winning is not easy in poker, and yes it takes more than just luck to overcome opponents. Good poker players have a high success rate because they use their strengths to exploit their opponent's weakness. There's no such thing as playing by the book in poker. Every individual has a style of game play that is unknown to opponents.

There are several poker strategies that can be used in various poker variants. Remember, you don't have to be a poker player that needs to possess every skill in the game; all you need to do is play smart. Every poker player must see to it that they do not get habituated to a particular strategy or game style in poker. The moment opponents detect a pattern in game play, they can change the game in their favor. There's a lot of practice involved and that can only be accomplished practicing more and more.

Smart poker players win poker tournaments or poker games by getting vital clues from opponents. How is it possible get a perspective on cards held by your opponent. Poker players get an indication of the shape of things in a game by observing opponents. When you are seated at the poker table, you have to be observant at all times. Watch every move of your opponent. Opponent behavior at the table gives vital information. Although a dead expression on the face is what most poker player's showcase, if you are a hawk eyed individual you will be able to detect changes in facial expressions. For instance, watch out for movements near the jaw line of an individual. Several poker players grind their teeth when they have a look at their cards. When an individual grinds teeth there is expansion and contraction that is visible on the outline of the jawline. This is a spontaneous reaction that most poker players exhibit when they take a look at their cards or, make their move. Noticing breathing patters of opponents also gives vital clues on the cards held. Change in breathing pattern can occur when an opponent is trying to play a bluff or is taken aback with an opponent's move. Several men and women avoid wearing flimsy collared tee shirts, shirts or tops because opponents in the past have got vital information on cards held from the movement of collars during breathing.

So remember my mantis, constantly changing gears while playing poker it will be hard for other players to figure out which dynamite you are holding, they will pay you just to see what the heck you are playing with, and that's where you show those donkeys the nuts!.


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