Monday, March 4, 2013


Winning poker tournaments is always fun. Tournaments are Fun and profitable, though cash games are alot profitable. Tournaments prove you that you have patience, most often when you get deep in a tournament.

So; there are 3 levels, Early, Middle, and Late.

1:Early stage: In the first stage; i suggest you play tight. Playing tight will move you ahead of the tournament while donkeys/fishes bust before you. How i play my tournaments is; For early, my Starting hand selection is (99-AA)AQs-AKs. Playing all other hands gives you more chance to bust. More often playing these hands; you have alot better chance to get more chips. So; playing tight will move yo onto the next level, MIDDLE STAGE.

2: Mid stage: Here; you loosen up. By loosing up here; you get to grab alot more chips than you did in the early stage. This is where i loosen up because their are no more Donkey's and fishes. All the great players remain. So; i suggest you loosen up. No loose as a fish though. I play atleast 30-50 % of my hands dealt at this stage.

3: Late stages: In the late stages of a tournament; you have to Play your 'A' game. Playing your A game will help you win. Just because you went this deep into a tournament, doesnt mean you have to play anyhow. Remember; the longer you last; the better you are. Dont play for the money, test your game. If you think about the money too much, you end up Leaving the tournament. Cause you weren't paying attention to your players.

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