Sunday, February 3, 2013


There's nothing more annoying at the table than a player who screams and yells after each hand. Your table image will always have an effect on how others view your game, and if you continue to badger other players, you'll probably end up with a big target on your forehead.
So play nice. Poker is a fun game and it should stay that way.
Here are 10 things all poker players should remember at the table:
(1) Learn these words: "Nice hand." Even if it was a terrible, terrible play. Why? If that opponent thinks it worked out in his favor, maybe he'll try it again in a different situation, and maybe that time it'll be against you.

(2) When you win a big hand, celebrate by yourself. The trend of more players screaming and yelling after big hands is a result of one thing: television. Everyone sees that if they make a lot of noise, the cameras will run over and they'll get on TV. Guess what? There aren't any cameras in a standard tournament or home game. You want to celebrate? Give a celebratory fist pump and get back to the table ready for the next hand. (3) Never slow roll. For those who aren't familiar with this term, slow rolling is the act of stalling before showing winning cards to upset an opponent at a showdown. This is one of the most annoying things a player can do. In addition, when showing your cards, show both, don't just show the ace for a pair of aces, but show your kicker as well.
(4) It's not the dealer's fault! All he did was shuffle and give the cards to you. There's no reason you should think the dealer has some personal vendetta which prevents you from winning. If you're getting cheated, that's a different story.
(5) Don't call out hands during the action. If there's a draw on the board, don't say, "Wow Jim, look out for the flush." It's up to each player to understand that the draw is on the board and no other player, especially one not involved with the hand, should mention the situation.
(6) Don't splash the pot. Put your chips out there in some kind of orderly fashion. There's no reason to just throw your chips into the air and let them fly all over the place when they land. Additionally, another opponent can accuse you of short changing the pot if the chips get all mixed up.
(7) Keep your bigger chips in front. One of the most difficult piercing situations is being asked, "How much do you have left?" By keeping the chips of higher denominations in the front of your stack, not only will your opponent be intimidated by how much is there, but when he asks that question, all you need to do is point down at your stack instead of answer. In addition to this part, keep your chips orderly. Don't leave a pile of chips all over the table, but one easy stack.
(8) Do not react to flops. A-K-A flop? Great. Let the action take over, not the side comments about this "monster" flop.
(9) Stay at the table until it's your turn to act. Are you ready to fold and head to the bathroom? Wait until it's your turn, fold your hand, and then go. Acting out of turn is something that can be avoided by paying attention, and in this situation you probably can wait a couple more seconds before you need to leave. If not, then you should've gone the hand before.
(10) Keep the action going. Make sure that you continue to keep your head in the game and know when it's your turn to act. Slowing up the game will only reduce the number of hands you'll see.


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